Cargo Secure Solutions

Road-Gard®: Ensuring Cargo Safety on the Road – A Comprehensive Review

In the logistics industry, ensuring the safe transport of cargo over the road is a critical concern. Shock-Gard’s Road-Gard® has emerged as a top-tier solution designed to address this need. This flexible restraint system is specifically engineered to prevent load shift and damage within cargo vehicles, providing a reliable and efficient method for securing goods […]

Ty-Gard DS®: Revolutionizing Cargo Securement – A Detailed Review


In the world of logistics, the safe and secure transport of cargo is paramount. Ty-Gard DS®, a flagship product from Shock-Gard, has been a game-changer in this arena. Designed by Matthew Bullock and his team, Ty-Gard DS® offers a high-strength, pressure-sensitive adhesive restraint system that addresses the critical need for reliable and efficient cargo securement. […]